
Slovenia Video Diary

Hello!! Long-time no see, well not really…But it feels like a long time and it has definitely been a long time since my last travel post!!  I have just started school again and am already feeling the weight of my yearly’s ready to drown me in study, however I have (Yes, I’m very organised) pre-shot some blog posts that I will be sharing with you very soon so make sure you keep a look out!

Tonight I am sharing with you my Slovenia Video Diary. As I talked about in my previous post on Lake Bled, I had not even heard of Slovenia before I travelled there however it is a hidden gem and I just have to share my adventure there with you all! I think this video diary will give you more of an insight of this gorgeous country. We only visited two places in Slovenia: Lake Bled and Ljubljana. I wrote about Lake Bled in my previous post HERE (take a look if you haven’t already), so I will just give you a brief overview of Ljubljana tonight!

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. We spend a day in this city after staying in Lake Bled. The city is filled with so many markets, all selling beautiful, yummy and colourful things such as: fruit, little hand-made trinkets and many, many flowers. There was a large flower market in the city in which we spent time wandering through, the flowers were so pretty and the smell was just gorgeous. The city also has many bridges of all different types: there was a lock bridge, a dragon bridge (seen at the end of the video) and a 4 way bridge. The bridges all crossed a beautiful river that ran right through the heart of the city. Like all European cities Ljubljana is filled with churches, one of them being pink! 


  1. Nice video. From what I've seen of Slovenia (which only includes this video) it looks like a very beautiful place.

    1. Absolutely Erin, I'm glad you enjoyed the video xx
